Addiction Isn’t Just About Substances: It’s a Pattern of Behavior

Most people immediately imagine a certain substance—alcohol, narcotics, maybe even cigarettes—when they hear the word “addiction.” It’s really not all that surprising. Addiction is often defined by society’s attachment to a specific substance, hence many conversations about recovery center on that drug—getting clean from alcohol, stopping narcotics, giving up smoking. But suppose I told you […]

What Are the Daoist Internal Healing Arts?

When we think of healing, most of us picture drugs, surgery, or perhaps even therapy. But an ancient Chinese philosophy called Daoism has another viewpoint on healing that transcends the physical. Known as the Daoist internal healing arts, they’re a group of disciplines meant to enable us live in harmony with nature and ourselves. They […]

Common Digestive Disorders Linked to Childhood Complex Trauma

Do you ever wonder, especially in stressful times, why your stomach seems to bear the brunt of everything? Many survivors of childhood complex trauma report persistent stomach problems throughout adulthood. Actually, your stomach may feel like it bears emotional baggage of its own. That’s because it kind of does! In my previous piece, we addressed […]

Daoist Healing: A Steady Road to Healing and Transformation

Imagine waking up every day feeling more in touch—with the world around you, with yourself. Whatever life presents, a sense of peace comes over you and an underlying energy feeds you. It’s not a dream. It’s a possibility. And for millennia, people have turned to the Daoist internal healing arts to make it reality. You’re […]

A Tale of Two Approaches: How Western and Daoist Views on Health Differ

When it comes to health and wellness, most of us are familiar with the Western medical approach. You’ve personally encountered the Western model if you’ve ever visited the doctor for antibiotics, an X-ray, or a prescription. But an alternative approach that’s been around for thousands of years offers a very different viewpoint: the Daoist healing […]

Causes of Addiction: How and Why It Happens

Addiction is a difficult problem with no single clear origin. Rather, it typically emerges from a combination of elements. These include genetic, environmental, social, psychological, and even spiritual—that all come together in unique ways for every person. Understanding addiction requires looking not only at how it happens, but also why it happens. In this post […]

Healing Childhood Trauma: Why It Can’t Be Fixed Quickly

One night at a recent AA meeting, I had a fascinating discussion that really got me considering the nature of recovery from childhood trauma. A fellow member, who had been clean for more than thirty years, was talking about his struggles with resentment. “I’ve done a lot of work on my trauma,” he remarked, speaking […]

How the Daoist Healing Arts Work: A Path to Balance and Well-Being

Most people’s conceptions of health and healing revolve around physical symptoms and treatments. But what if there’s more to healing than just physical care of the body? The Daoist healing arts offer an alternative perspective, viewing the mind, body, emotions, and even the spirit as interconnected components of a whole. Correcting problems is simply one […]

Doug Crawford, L.Ac.


This website does not provide medical advice. The information provided is for educational purposes only. While I strive for accuracy, it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or qualified health care provider with any questions about a medical condition or treatment and before starting a new health regimen. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you read on this website.