How Childhood Complex Trauma Affects Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

When discussing trauma, one could easily believe it’s only a psychological or emotional problem. Trauma, particularly the complex sort that occurs in childhood, nonetheless influences us on so many levels—it penetrates our bodies, minds, even our sense of who we are. We’ll discuss in this essay how childhood complex trauma affects each of these spheres. […]

The Hidden Challenges of Meditation: When Sitting Still Brings Up Old Wounds

These days, meditation is really common. Its advantages—peace, tranquility, mental clarity—have all been discussed here. However, there’s a side to meditation that gets less attention, particularly for those who have a history of trauma. What if meditation begins to bring back old wounds, anxiety, or even depression rather than calm and tranquility? If this sounds […]

Why Daoist Nutrition Discourages Cold Foods: A Blend of Tradition and Science

If you’ve ever been advised against consuming cold foods and beverages by a Daoist healing arts or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, you could have questioned: what’s the big deal? After all, we live in a world where it’s completely normal to grab a cold salad or iced coffee. Actually, this goes beyond mere ancient […]

What is Childhood Complex Trauma? A Beginner’s Guide

When we talk about trauma, we likely picture big, dramatic events—things like car accidents, natural disasters, or violent attacks. Trauma, however, takes many different forms and sizes; not all of it is as clear-cut as you would believe. Particularly in childhood, some of the most impactful trauma occurs silently over time. It’s known as childhood […]

The Power of Concentration Meditation for Healing from Childhood Complex Trauma

Particularly when it comes to recovering from the long-term effects of childhood trauma, meditation can be a game-changer. There are countless varieties of meditation techniques available. But after nearly 25 years of daily use, I’ve realized that my own practice has been based primarily on the most fundamental approach—concentration meditation. It’s straightforward, direct, and requires […]

What Is Trauma? A Basic Breakdown of a Complex Concept

Everybody’s gone through difficult circumstances—times when life seemed like too much to manage. Perhaps it was a terrible breakup, a terrifying accident, or a result of total neglect when you most needed support. We sometimes move past these events and carry on. But other times something changes within us. This is when we’re venturing into […]

Using Mindful Breathing to Calm the Stress Response from Childhood Complex Trauma

If you’ve experienced childhood trauma, you’re probably aware of how draining it can be to always feel like you’re on edge or high alert. Trauma naturally causes that continual “fight or flight” sensation, as if your body is always ready for something terrible to happen. But what if I told you that something as basic […]

Addiction Isn’t Just About Substances: It’s a Pattern of Behavior

Most people immediately imagine a certain substance—alcohol, narcotics, maybe even cigarettes—when they hear the word “addiction.” It’s really not all that surprising. Addiction is often defined by society’s attachment to a specific substance, hence many conversations about recovery center on that drug—getting clean from alcohol, stopping narcotics, giving up smoking. But suppose I told you […]

Doug Crawford, L.Ac.


This website does not provide medical advice. The information provided is for educational purposes only. While I strive for accuracy, it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or qualified health care provider with any questions about a medical condition or treatment and before starting a new health regimen. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you read on this website.